Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Season's Greetings!

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is drawing to a close. A frantic burst of last minute 'Dude' shopping, and we'll all sit down and track Santa's progress on the NORAD website.

This is a special time, with the giving of Christmas, and the beginnings of the new year nearly colliding in a cookie-fueled frenzy. As good a time as any to try some of the new programs that Amazon has given us access to.

Starting the day after Christmas, Apprentice Swordceror will be available at a discounted price for a week. You can get it or gift it for $.99 on the 26th, or $1.99 through January 2nd. Depending on the success of the promotion, we'll consider running a similar special on Journeyman Warsmith at a later date.

I'd like to thank all of my supporters, who have already given me the gift of extra time with my family. Special thanks to Sverre, my number one fan in Norway, and now the latest addition to the Blademage Saga's superfans: Leonardi from Ragnarok server. You guys keep me going when I start to lose my way.

Merry Christmas, see you all next year.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Seeds of Inspiration

Well, it’s been a while. Jumping headfirst into this career change is very different than what I expected. Social media interaction has been sketchy at best, and one of my fears is beginning to materialize. When it was ‘just a hobby’ the writing came easily, there was no expectation of production, just the interplay between myself and the characters unfolding as it felt like it. Sure, when it was getting down to the wire, I made deadlines for hitting non-creative goals, rewriting, etc. The magic always happened on its own. There was never a need to force it, because, well, it was magic. Whenever someone asked me why I didn’t quit and start writing full time, I had a standard reply ready: ‘Then what would I do for fun?’

I did not participate in NaNoWriMo because my inspiration does not come that fast, and I don’t write when I’m not inspired. No offense to those who do crank out 50k words in a month, but I wonder honestly how many of those words make it into the hands of readers.

Out of town for the last few days, hanging out with my grumpy old farmer buddies, and things have started clicking. Storyline is unfolding, and the last event we attended was a discussion meet, where one of the young farmers was talking about using her farming blog to help combat the misconceptions of the public toward agricultural producers. Honestly felt a little bit ashamed that I hadn't updated anything major on any of my social media in months. Did you guys even know I quit my day job?

Anyway, lesson learned, I’m back. I’ll get everything updated by the end of next week, and try to keep you all updated and engaged. Might be hard to fit that in between all the plot that is starting to fill up the noggin, though. I think it’s a win/win.