Kindle How-To's

I said I would post how to borrow Kindle titles from the libraries, Well...
I found the site that has pretty much the information that was on the brochure I got from the library. Here's the link:

Here is also a link to download Kindle Reader software for your PC:

To lend a book, simply go to the 'Manage My Kindle' section on your Amazon account. It will list all of your titles, and on the far right of each title there is an 'Actions' button. Click on it, and if it is enabled by the seller, you will see 'Lend' as an option. It takes you to a form where you fill out your friend's e-mail address. They get an e-mail, and have a week to accept the loan. From that time, they have 14 days to read the book before it deletes itself from your device. You will be unable to read that title until the book is returned.

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