Saturday, November 13, 2010

Submission Status

Taking it a little slower than planned. So far I have submitted to four agencies, and have my first rejection e-mail. It's not from the agency, it's from a mailer daemon, telling me that they didn't get my e-mail because their inbox is full. This right after I get an automated response from them thanking me for my submission. Who to believe...? Anyway, I should make it through the rest of the list that accepts e-queries this weekend, and move on to the snail mail next week.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Illustrated, Man!

Not just yet, but in the works. Met with a prospective illustrator last night after work, and I'm getting excited. Her work is more anime than I would have thought, but I find myself wondering what it will look like in that style.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Done... Already?

Well, there weren't as many revisions needed this time through as there were last time, naturally. My Editor said that it looked a lot closer to what the finished product should be. I'll research agents and publishers a little more during the workweek, and fire off about a dozen queries Monday morning. Failing that, I can always upload it to the Kindle Expert, have it converted to every possible E-Reader format, and handle the marketing myself. We'll have to see what shakes out.

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Just got my novel back with revision notes from my editor, have my work cut out for me the next week or two. Exciting times.