CHRIS: Today I’m interviewing local Idaho author Judy
Hudson. Full disclosure, Judy and I are both members of a small critique group
that is a splinter of the Idaho Writer’s Guild, and she lives just down the
road from a grandma I haven’t seen in a few years.
CHRIS: With that out of the way, how are you doing today, Judy?
JUDY: Great! Enjoying signs of spring and the shenanigans of the
humming birds that just returned for the season.
CHRIS: Can you give us a quick description of your new book, Tethered to
Shadows: The Healing Journey of Six?
JUDY: I’ll be glad to. It’s about five ordinary women from various
walks of life who decide to join a therapy group. They each are
successful in their own way, but somehow tethered to a painful past. As
they begin to unravel their issues and take steps to gain more control over
their lives, the therapist is compelled to confront her own shame. The closer
she gets to finding redemption, the more she realizes the cost may be too high.
CHRIS: I have to tell you. This is not my typical reading genre. I do find
the characters, settings, and plot oddly compelling for a story with no lasers
or dragons. The descriptions of despair and addiction in the opening chapters
are visceral. What is your target market for this book, and why?
JUDY: While women in general will likely be the largest audience, I think
men also are intrigued by the psychology of the characters—How did they come to
be in this dilemma? What events shaped their characters? How do people
overcome such tough times? Most of us can relate to a girlfriend, sister,
aunt, or mom who has experienced similar challenges. In fact, one of the
early reviews gave a man’s perspective, “… I thought it was a gal's book but
became convinced it is a well written story which should appeal to readers of
all genders. I enjoyed it and others will also.”
CHRIS: Your story is set in Juneau, Alaska. What is your connection or
experience with that area?
JUDY: I lived in Juneau for nine years and still have a soul connection that
is hard to describe. The beauty of Alaska is spectacular, of course; conditions
often extreme. It takes a hardy spirit to live there and embrace the
adventures. So I combined two loves—the resilience of people and the wonders of
Alaska. (The salmon and halibut fishing are pretty hard to beat
CHRIS: How does your experience as a social worker and counselor help
frame this work? How often did you see these specific archetypes of patients
over your career?
JUDY: I loved counseling people…helping them discover their own strengths
and truths. It was inspiring to witness people moving from entrapment to
freedom. One of my favorite treatment modalities was group therapy where
participants experienced trust and boundaries, perhaps for the first time. So
it was a natural fit for me to develop fictional characters with challenges and
insights common to real people. I wanted to honor the courage and
resilience of the human spirit.
CHRIS: Which of the characters do you feel most connected to, or identify
with, and why?
JUDY: They each have endeared me in different ways, but Hannah is probably
the one who grabs my heart and has me crying out to the computer screen.
She’s a young Alaskan Native woman who is the encourager for everyone but
herself. She’s blinded to the selfish intentions of others and is often
harmed as a result.
CHRIS: This title is a work of fiction, but do you see it having possible
therapeutic value? Who might benefit from reading this, and why?
JUDY: Absolutely. Just knowing that you’re not alone in your
thinking or ways of coping can be therapeutic. But I suspect most of us
can relate to the characters, if not their particular struggles. We learn
from them and can understand ourselves better.
CHRIS: You self-published this title on Kindle. Did you pursue a
traditional publishing contract, and why did you ultimately decide to go with
KDP and Createspace?
JUDY: I met with three agents, each of whom invited me to submit my
manuscript for traditional publishing. That was very encouraging.
However, when I considered the contractual commitments versus the
flexibility of Kindle and Createspace, I thought it advantageous to do the
CHRIS: Do you plan on expanding distribution of this title to Audio or
even a movie in the future?
JUDY: Definitely audio. The story certainly has the potential for a
television series. I can see a new therapy group each season, the cast becoming
as endearing as those on Bluebloods. But at this time, I am not pursuing
that option.
CHRIS: You’re currently writing a follow-up to this book. Can you give us
a little peek at what that’s going to be like?
JUDY: The second book continues with some of the key characters, but with
a new therapy group. It explores some of the subtle effects of addictions
on family systems. Also the humanness and shame associated with the
perpetrator of harm. I want to show the power of cause-effect, and
CHRIS: Is this the first publishing experience you’ve had? What role do
you see publishing playing in your life going forward?
JUDY: I edited and published an historic manuscript in 2007, a beautiful
novel, White Wool and Yellow Gold, written by my grandmother. The setting
is in the Owyhee Mountains of Idaho in the early 1900s. It’s a wonderful
look at life in that era with believable characters, and a treasure
historically. Her novel actually inspired me to write one of my own, and
Tethered to Shadows is the first of three books in that series. I’ve also
written a few historical short stories (and way too many technical papers in a
previous career).
CHRIS: Do you have any advice for other aspiring authors that you wish you
had known going into this?
JUDY: Oh yes! Get involved in writing groups and read about the
craft of writing. There’s such a wealth of resources and support in
groups like Idaho Writers’ Guild.
CHRIS: Thanks for agreeing, and taking the time to do this interview. I
wish you the best of luck with this, and your future endeavors.
JUDY: Thank you so much, Chris. You have been a tremendous asset to
me along this journey. And I am loving your present draft in the
Blademage series.
Judy's book is on sale this week for 99 cents on Kindle. Download the preview, and give it a try here. Thanks!
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