Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Writing Space

Yes, I missed my Tuesday post. It was a combination of satisfaction with the amount of quality writing I got done yesterday afternoon, and the frustration with all the things at home that take away from my ability to write there.

Where do you do your best writing? For me, it is the Belly Buster Sandwich Shop in Ontario. The atmosphere reminds me so much of the old breakroom at Spectek, where 'The Blademage Saga' was born. I can park myself in a corner, hunker down over a sandwich, a bowl of soup, and my netbook in relative peace. Like the old breakroom, there is now an intermittent stream of people talking to me about writing, and now sales and marketing. As before, it slows down the actual writing process, but helps keep the drive alive. A few people have come to me looking for tips on certain aspects of writing or other facets of the business, and I always come away from it wondering who has learned more from the exchange.

Where do you think you could do better writing? I've often thought about converting a room of the house into an office, but it would mean moving the girls into one room. While I think it's a fine idea, there are other parties that always seem to disagree.
My ultimate writing space would be a basement office, no windows, soundproof. An antique rolltop desk loaded with a CPU, a gaming console, charging stations for all appliccable electronics,and space for reference materials would be centered on a short wall, flanked by built-in wraparound corner bookshelves. A wall-mounted 32' hdtv for a monitor, and the back half of the room lined with tapestries, armor and weapon stands, as authentic as possible.
That would get me in the mood.

I'm hoping to be able to have something like that by the time the third installment of 'The Blademage Saga' is out. Whether or not it is new construction or finding something that can be modified, we'll just have to wait and see. But it's on my list. It's something that helps the drive, planning toward specific goals, achieving them little by little. That's what makes this all work, holds it all together.

What's your plan?

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