Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Just... Wri(te)Mo(re)

Consulting. Family gatherings. Construction projects. Reconnecting with neglected friends. School functions. Doctor appointments. Hunting season.

Hasn't really left a lot of time for... sitting down on the job.

November is a tradition for some writers. They call it NaNoWriMo, short for 'National Novel Writing Month'. The goal is to crank out fifty thousand words in November. No small task. I've never done it. Any month. However...

I met with my friend and client, James Eicher, last Wednesday, and we attended  a screening of 'Bravo!' at the Meridian Library. My friend, editor, and favorite documentary filmmaker, Ken Rodgers, was in attendance. He, like so many others of you, inquired about book three of 'The Blademage Saga'.

I'll tell you what I told him.

Until the end of this month, I'm firming up the outline, ensuring that the rest of the book will make sense, and have a satisfying conclusion, while still building suspense for the rest of the series. The cover art is already paid for. The work should begin on that in early December at the latest. Anyone that wants some of my time in November had better call ahead. I'm going to be hunched over the computer, growing a far less impressive beard than the illustrious Mr. Martin, finishing the last third of the novel.

I'd like to have it available for pre-order when I send it back to Ken for the second round of edits, hopefully before Christmas.

And while I don't have anything newer to share than what I have already posted, here is the link to the section I leaked a while back. Diane Rice at the Ada Community Library has two other scenes involving Rhysabeth-Dane, She has my permission to post either or both of them either here, or anywhere on her library site. Bug her until she does.

Thanks for your patience. Your understanding. Your impatience and frustration. Your name-calling and praise. It's all fuel and focus driving me closer to being the writer you deserve.

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